In July 2003, representatives of the International Offices of both universities in Koblenz, the Protestant Student Community (ESG), the Catholic Student
Community (KHG) and the Koblenz Student Union met for the first time in this constellation to exchange experiences regarding the situation of foreign students in Koblenz. The
above-mentioned institutions offer counselling and services for international students in different ways. All parties involved agree that it is urgently necessary to jointly coordinate
future activities for international studies in Koblenz in the interest of improving the services offered and increasing the efficiency of studies.
In November 2003, the KOSINUS advisory association was founded, which, in addition to the institutions mentioned above, is now also joined by the AStA of the University of Koblenz and the
Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.
KOSINUS aims to improve the conditions for international students in order to study successfully in Koblenz. The background to this is the high drop-out rate of foreign students in the
Federal Republic of Germany as a whole.
KOSINUS plans and coordinates ...…
- Regular close cooperation between those involved and responsible for international studies in Koblenz.
- The meeting of international students with a wide variety of groups and individuals within and outside the universities in Koblenz and the surrounding area.
- Topic-specific events at the universities with the RheinAhrCampus and Höhr-Grenzhausen campuses, the city of Koblenz and the Middle Rhine region.
- Coordination of direct assistance for foreign students in need.